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更新 2014-10-31 23:49


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  • 泵阀商情网 (先生)  
特点Features 本型泵为立式、多级、节段式结构,结构紧凑、占地面积小 Vertical, multi-stage, sectional, compact and small structure; 轴封为机械密封并可选用便拆式,泄漏少,运行稳定可靠,且维修方便快捷 Pump body has tube structure, its inlet and outlet size is the same, and that, they are at a line, can be fixed anywhere like valve, convenient, fast and steady. 多出口型可实行高楼分层供水,安全节约 Multi-outlet can supply layered water layered for skyscraper layered 进出口之间的方向可按用户的要求调整为0°、90°、180°、270° the angel between inlet and outlet can be justed0°、90°、180°、270° 泵设有灌引水系统和排水装置 The pump have Affusion and lead water system and drainage 采用低转速电机,噪音低,振动小 Motor’s speed is low, so it features low noise and light tremor 如需进一步隔振,可采用加装联结板及隔振器的安装方式 If you need lighter tremor, isolating-vibrator or isolating-pad and connection board can be fixed. 独特的安装结构大大缩小了泵的占地面积,可节约基建投资40%以上。 The area is small because of special installation structure. 40% investment into building can be saved. 用途 Applications 建筑物生活用水 Lives water supply in buildings 建筑物消防用水 Fire-fighting water supply in buildings 远距离输送 Transfer liquid from far away 锅炉给水 Water supply in boiler systems 工艺循环增压 Boosting and circulating in technology processes. 空调系统增压输送 Boosting and circulating in technology processes; 其他场合清洁液体的输送 Transfer clean liquid in other situation 工作条件 Operating Conditions 流量范围 Capacity scope:.2--380m3/h 扬程范围 Head scope: 5~230m ; 额定转速 Rated speed: 1480r/min 系统最高工作压力 System Max: working pressure: 2.5MPa 介质温度 Medium temperature:-15℃﹤T﹤105℃ 环境温度 Ambient temperature: 不高于+40℃ 电机防护等级 Motor protection class:IP44、IP54 电机绝缘等级 Motor insulation class: B、 F级 B、 F grade 旋转方向 Rotation: 由电机方向看顺时针旋转 clockwise,viewed from motor. 由叶轮进口看逆时针旋转 anticlockwise, viewed from the impeller inlet.
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YFC型抱爪式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机 YFC-H型顶压 式阀门测试机 YFC-HS综合型阀门性能扭矩机寿命测试机 YFC-A型安全阀性能测试机 YFC-DZ型对夹 式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机

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