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更新 2014-10-31 23:49


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概述Overview FY系列液下泵是本公司在传统耐腐蚀液下泵基础上,参考国外同类产品的先进技术,经改进设计而生产的新型液下泵;该泵取消了其他液下泵普遍采用的机械密封和选用了独特的叶轮,使泵高效节能、寿命长,从而广泛应用于石油、化工、制药、造纸、冶金等工业。 FY series submerged pump is an updated design based upon the conventional anti-corrosion pump, processed with the advanced technology in like products abroad. Mechanical seal that is commonly applied by other submerged pumps is not used in this pump. With the distinctive impeller for high efficiency, energy conservation and long serve life, this type of pumps are widely used in the industries of petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, papermaking, metallurgy and etc. 特点Features 泵为立式液下泵,外形美观,直接安装在被输送介质的储存器上,无额外占地面积,从而降低了基建投入。 A vertical submerged pump with elegant profile, directly mounted at the reservoir of medium to be delivered, with no additional floor space required to economize infrastructural construction investment. 取消了机械密封,解决了其他液下泵因机械密封容易磨损而须经常维修的烦恼,节约了泵的运行成本,提高了工作效率。 Cancellation of mechanical seal, a solution to the headache of frequent servicing of other submerged pumps due to the easily worn-out mechanical seal, a saver of operational cost and a promoter of work efficiency. 采用独特的离心式叶轮,供输送不含固体颗粒等清洁的介质,振动噪音低,效率高;采用开式叶轮,供输送不清洁带有固体颗粒及短纤维的液体,运行平稳、不堵塞。 Distinctive centrifugal impeller to handle clean medium not containing solid particles, featured by little vibration, low noise and high efficiency; Open impeller to handle unclean liquid containing solid particles and short fiber, featured by stable operation and non-clogging. 使用条件 Service Conditions 被输送介质温度为-20~140℃ Temperature of the medium to be delivered: -20~140℃ 铸铁材质的泵,介质PH值在5-9范围内。 For cast iron pumps, the PH value of medium ranging within 5-9 采用开式叶轮的泵,被输送液体中含有的固体颗粒直径不超过泵吸入口直径30%为宜。 For pump with open impeller, the diameter of solid particle in the liquid to be delivered should better not exceed the 30% of the suction diameter of the pump.
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YFC型抱爪式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机 YFC-H型顶压 式阀门测试机 YFC-HS综合型阀门性能扭矩机寿命测试机 YFC-A型安全阀性能测试机 YFC-DZ型对夹 式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机 YFC-T型立式阀门测试机

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